Just shared our second video!!! Hope you guys like it, there will be more to come so be patient with us! <3

Here Is the video you guys, I just post it on YouTube! If you like it hit the like button!! More to come tomorrow!!

at 2:35 PM Posted by Life is good 0 Comments

Hey guys, I'll probably be putting up my first video today.... By myself probably or I might have my cute nephew with me. That's if my sister is still bringing him that is. Anyway Angel is doing homework so I guess if he don't come today I'll put one up with just me. Soooooo, yea be looking forward to that.

Good afternoon!
Nice to meet you!
My name is Jocelin :)
私輪 ジョセリンです :)
Please treat me kindly <3
よろしくおねがいします <3
I can speak a little Japanese.
私輪少し 日本語が話せます。
Thank you very much!!

 Looks like I need a bit more practice, but I really hope you guys would help me out. I've been practicing, and studying some what over some mouth's but I already know It'll take more time and dedication. With school and my Anime habits, I need to put more effort in learning Japanese! I can use all the help I can receive. So my Japanese and other lovely friends bare with me if I get something wrong. Politely correct me please, I'm pretty sensitive to negative comments... :) So if you treat me kindly I'll, I think I'll get better at learning Japanese and I might some day meet you guys when my boyfriend takes me there for a vacation... One day lol. Thanks to those who've read my blog and stayed with me! Your kindness is greatly appreciated. See you all later on tonight, I've got homework of my own to attend to! <3 <3

Hey everyone, got a new channel! I'll be interviewing and entertaining things that are and always Lumberton. My friend Angel and I wanted to interview people that are up and coming artists in music, dance, and poetry. And just as well, we'll be putting a bunch of RanDUMBness on this channel. Life without the random is like, a really boring life. So if you like the idea like and subscribe to my channel and tell me what you think.... Well once I get some videos on the channel that is. Lmbo! Well for now I gotta go and do my homework for this week, seen ya later, my lovelies!!