Thanks for over 2000 views guys!! It's an honor!!

We wouldn't have made it this far with out you guys reading everything. I hope we can continue to stir your interest enough to get some comments in the near future! I really mean that lol. So I hope you can celebrate with us on this special day. Can't wait to our page becomes popular and we have a lot more supporters out there. To all the other bloggers that read my blog, I want to thank you as well. Nothing is the same if you don't have help from those that see where you are coming from and what you do. I really love you guys and I hope we will keep up the climb to greater heights!! Let's party like there is no tomorrow though it is, and I still have to much to do... Okay maybe not tomorrow but the weekend? You know do something special for the viewers and the people that liked the page. 

at 10:00 AM Posted by Life is good 0 Comments

Good morning my lovelies. So as you can tell today's blog will of course be on twerking and all it's ugly glory. Some of my readers might say twerking is a new art of dancing, might be a way to get you a bit of money in your pocket. Sure that's all one way of looking at it. But tell me this, is it a 9-5 decent job you'd proudly put on a job application? How about this one, can you really get a man instead of falling for the same type of "thugs" you apparently are attracting unintentionally? Come on ladies really? Have a bit more self-respect, class and dignity about yourself!!

Okay I might just be venting and ranting but right now I don't really give two... craps about feelings and and stepping on a few toes. You put yourself out there to give up on your self respect just to be seen! Well take one for the team and try to get up off your lazy asses (because no "real woman" would waste her time on trivial and irreverent crap as this.) and find a J.O.B! If you put your mind to it honey you got it going for you, you just haven't found what it is just yet. All you need to do is find the things you enjoyed doing as a teen and up until now.

 First of all I want to say Happy 19 Birthday Trayvon!! 

Okay okay I know you all are used to me posting at the most once a day, maybe twice if I'm feeling up to it. Well here is that moment. Now I know you all seen the title and you probably already read the article about this fight. There are so many people out there with their own opinion and I am so glad people are voicing their concerns and views, that means people will agree and disagree as well as agree to disagree. Then we have that select few that haven't really... How can I put it nicely... Expanded their mind enough to accept others opinion on the situation that they would rather insult and degrade others for the sheer glory to feel better. Now don't get me wrong, I have my moments but this time me and De'Laydee ran into said person.

at 9:16 AM Posted by Life is good 0 Comments

Here's another Truth Tuesday moment though a little late... I know we'll do better with this guys lol :)
Get ready to enjoy another entry of Truth Tuesay!!

Truth Tuesdays: The Truth About Financial Responsibility

Well I found a little something that I wanted to share with all of you before the night got away from me. There's this little "Man Rule" thing going around Facebook, I'm not really familiar with it, but I copied it so I could show you what these rules are. The funny part about this is that a woman made a counter attack and made her own for the ladies. Okay I'll go ahead and post it I know you all are just dying to read it!! Enjoy you guys I know I laugh every time I read this :)