Today's Truth Tuesday is by a very awesome person. He is a cool dude and I hope you guys will enjoy what he brought to the table for today!! Please clap yo hands for my friend Based Yusuke!! *Curtains opens crowd goes wild!!*

Truth Tuesdays: News for ya

It’s seems that Florida is back in the news again with another youth gunned down by a elder. Jordan Davis age 17 was shot and killed by Michael Dunn, age 47 in November 23, 2012. For those who don’t know the story the incident occurred at a Jacksonville, Florida gas station, where Dunn and his fiancée stopped to buy white wine on the way back to their hotel after attending the wedding of Dunn's son. Dunn said the music from a red Dodge Durango parked at the same gas station grew "really loud" after his fiancée went into the store. "My review mirror was shaking, my eardrums were vibrating. It was ridiculously loud," Dunn said. "I said, 'Can you turn that down please?'" he testified. "They turned it off. I said thank you." But Dunn said the young men in the Durango soon began using expletives and then turned the volume back up. "I was in fear for my life, but I wasn't to the point where I was ready to use deadly force. I was just going, 'Oh my God, where is all this hostility coming from?'" Dunn said.
Dunn said he opened fire only after seeing what looked like the barrel of a gun or a lead pipe through the Durango's back passenger window and Davis was about to get out of the car. "As his (Davis's) head clears the window frame, he said ‘this shit's going down now,'" Dunn testified. Prosecutors later asked his fiancée, Rhonda Rouer, if Dunn ever mentioned seeing a gun in the teens car. Rouer's answer, as she fought back tears, was "No." Police found no weapon in the Durango after the shooting. Prosecutors on Monday showed the jury photos of Davis's body and a medical examiner said he was leaning away from Dunn when the fatal bullet entered his body. The case has drawn comparisons with the prosecution of George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin in Florida in 2012. In both cases, the victims were unarmed black teenagers killed by men who said they believed their lives were in danger. Dunn choked up during his testimony when he talked about his bulldog, and when he described worrying that his fiancée might get hurt. "Then it was two lives," he said tearing up. But he remained poised when testifying about killing Davis, describing his sense of a "clear and present danger" and his fear of "imminent death" in language important to a claim of self-defense. On the drive home, Dunn said he tried to reassure his fiancée that they were in no trouble with police. "We might be in trouble with the local gangsters," he said he told her. "I knew I had done nothing wrong," Dunn said. Now I know the first thing that can come to mind is “Here we go again another white man killing a black child.” But should that be what we focus on? How about the fact that another child is gunned down before he can even live his life, How about a we focus that this family is now going to suffer and not make this another media frenzy.

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