Hey lovely folks it's been some time now, and I only found one person that was wanting to be a diligent author to this blog. So if you are interested please contact me in the comments below or by my email address. I think my old authors had been to busy with other stuff so that's why I'm looking for other people who have enough time to actually try to post on the blog.

 So how has the week and weekend been for y'all? My life has been alright. So far, my boyfriend is finally home, if you want you can read about it here on my personal blog. I've missed that crazy guy and I'm glad he is home now. All has been well and I'm still trying to do the modeling thing at John Casablancas and Barbizon.

Not everything has been as great as I'd want it to be but, it's a lot better than I thought it would be. I just want everything to go in the right path. I know I can make it in modeling, I've been chasing it for the longest and I want everything to fall into place.

Well I want to know what all y'all been up to? What has happened that you wish would have gone better than it has? I have been on a roller coaster lately and it did  not feel good at all! But I guess sometimes things happens for a reason. I need to do my homework maybe things will start looking in my favor if I got other things done first.

Well I'll just gone and do that now. So have a great day and I will write again tomorrow... since I don't have much else to do and my authors are gone but one.... Man what a day huh lol. See y'all again next time my lovelies!


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