Hey my lovelies!! As you know I wanted to make some cash to help with my schooling, and guess what!!! I made some Blonde Brownies today and I sold about... 10 brownies, and made almost $13 or $14 dollars!! I'm so siked man! I have more to sell, so I'll sell them on tomorrow.

Also, I think I'm doing pretty well in my Cul 102 class. I don't have my grades for the first week just yet, but I think my scores will be pretty good.... Well I hope that is. Oh yea, I went outwith this basket to sell those brownies... I looked even younger with this thing on my arm. Teehee, but it had to be done if I needed the money to buy the stuff to make these brownies. Wish me luck for tomorrow you guys!! Muah! <3
Photo: Yum, about to go out and sell these bad boys!!!! 

Photo: I made them again today!! If you want some come and get 'em '. 65 cents each!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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