Hey my wonderful and awesome lovelies! Well I got awesome news!! I just got done with my first job and I had fun doing it as well as getting paid for it! XD So today has been a pretty good day. I hope to receive more jobs soon, it would be awesome to get a long term job. I shall wait and see what will come up though and I can't wait!!

*Distracted by my 2 year old nephew talking incorrectly because he can....* That little boy is a trip! He just came in my room talking into a fork like it was a microphone... Kids so much entertainment!

Alright back to what I was saying. So yea today has been a good one, and right now I'm just waiting on another clients reply to my articles I've sent in. *crosses fingers* Pray for good news you guys, I really need it! By the way how did you all enjoy the second part of my story? Hope that wasn't to long teehee. I just wanted to share a bit of my talent to you guys. I'm to try and do a little bit more for you all. If you have any ideas, boy do I welcome them!! Also Imma try to find some bloggers and see if.....
Nah it's going to be a secret. I'll just let the anticipation brew. I've got some great ideas for this year!!

I want my blog to succeed and make you guys come back for more and more! So please look forward to some changes and excitement in the near future for my very RanDUMB blog ;)

Uryu Ishida!!! Yep I don't own this work credit goes to the creator. But all that hotness at once is turning me red!!

Hmmm, today's blog is fairly short but I got my point across I hope! So well I guess it's good bye for now.... See you guys later! Continue coming back, I like the company :)

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